AR Rahman, an Oscar award-winning music composer from India, is one of my favorite celebrities. Many of his fans, including myself, refer to his songs as "slow poison". When I first listen to a new AR Rahman song, I find it confusing. When I listen to it again, I find some aspects of the song intriguing. Each time I listen to the song, I find myself more appreciative of the artistic genius and the mesmerizing techniques that are employed in the composition, instrumental music, and vocals of the song. Soon, I am addicted. In my experience, finding one's passion also works similarly. Rarely do people find themselves falling in love with a major at first glance. It takes time, persistence, and constant exposure. Many people assume that finding a passion is like putting down the last piece of a puzzle; once they find the right major everything will be picture perfect. That is a lot of pressure to place on a single choice. In reality, finding the right major is simply one p...